• Tap doan Rosenberg
  • Box fans
  • Dong Co EC
  • Slide 01

Measures for extended periods of disuse for fans Rosenberg

Measures for extended periods of disuse for fans Rosenberg

For extended transport durations, and intervals of several months between delivery and


Keep and transport fans and motors in dry conditions, protected from dust and the elements.

Block intake and outlet openings.

Store fans and motors free from vibration (prevent damage to roller bearings).

Intensively move the fan rotor and drive motor at short intervals (prevent corrosion inside the

roller bearings caused by lack of movement, work the grease in).

During commissioning, pay attention to bearing noise.

For periods of disuse greater than 1 year, replace installed bearings.

Maximum environmental temperature during storage is 80°C

Commissioning protocol in measures for extended periods of disuse for fans Rosenberg

Especially when operating several identically built fans, for monitoring and early recognition of

possible system errors it is recommended to record the relevant data for the fans during initial

commissioning. Please request a commissioning protocol of required.

Defects which are developing can be recognised in good time and avoided, by means of preventative

measures. Especially in sensitive applications which require high dependability, it is recommended to

monitor critical values such as vibrations, flows, rotational speeds, or temperatures.

The contact addresses are to be found in the attachment, or else please phone +49 (0)7940 / 142- 209

(-210) or email to info@rosenberg.com.vn


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